
Customers Registration

Sellers Registration

Admin Registation

User Roles

Registered firstRateiT Users

If you are registered on firstRateiT, you can see auctioned businesses, but you can’t bid them, because by default, you are an inactive user, which means you don’t have a minimum account balance of 50 USD for the firstRateiT demo default.  But you can create a watchlist by adding businesses to your watch.

Active Users (Bidders and Buyers)

Bidders and buyers (who are already active), are the users who are either first rating businesses or who are attempting to do so by becoming the winning bidder for an auction lot. They can add businesses to watch and rate businesses by writing comments within the auctioned lots. As an active user, you have the opportunity to become a seller.  Active users are indicated with a green light and inactive with a red light on your upper navigation bar.


A seller is a user who is selling a business on firstRateiT. He applies all the privileges other consumers have.

Customers Registration

Follow these steps to sign up to firstRateiT:
Complete the registration form by entering the required email address field. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*). The email address you enter on this form must be a valid address that is owned by you.

Set up a recovery email address.

How recovery email will help you?
A recovery email address helps you reset your username or password if you forget them or can’t sign in for another reason.

The following message will appear if your registration has been successful.

For sign in to firstRateiT, Go to your email inbox.
Open the email with the subject line: Your firstRateiT account has been created! The sender will be
Here you can see your username and password.

Using this username and password, log in to your account.

Active User – What does it mean?

If your registration has been successful, now you can log in to your account. Your user is inactive by default. To activate, you have to add minimum amount of 50 USD.

After activating your account, you will be able to buy or sell businesses.
If you want to register as a seller, follow the instructions down below.

Seller Registration

For seller registration, please fill out all the required fields. Then, verify terms and conditions and click – CONFIRM.