Token Sale

Token Name: peg63.546u
Token Title: Copper
Token Symbol: CU
Copper Price in Ethers: 0.00002
Coppers for 1 Ether: 50 000
Deployer Contract: 0x6F58Fb04b9b8c51c871a77adb9D5e61B0E870d44
Token Contract: 0x36ed6a2556e1bad716e29747f9a1d4a790fa48aa
Token: 0x36ed6a2556e1bad716e29747f9a1d4a790fa48aa
Crowdsale Contract: 0x9ef134b7be0b3a1104ff183a82b26507b7543c38
To see more detailed information about the token (coin) or to see how to add it to your MetaMask, please, visit the peg63.546u Copper Token page.
Start: 28 December 2021 00:00 UTC±0
End: 4 January 2022 00:00 UTC±0

You will receive Copper tokens to this address.