peg63.546u Copper Token

peg63.546u Copper Token Information

Token Address: 0x36ed6a2556e1bad716e29747f9a1d4a790fa48aa
Token Name: peg63.546u
Token Symbol: CU
Decimals: 18
Token Title: Copper
Token Link: 0x36ed6a2556e1bad716e29747f9a1d4a790fa48aa
Token Contract Link: 0x36ed6a2556e1bad716e29747f9a1d4a790fa48aa
Deployer Contract: 0x6F58Fb04b9b8c51c871a77adb9D5e61B0E870d44

What is peg63.546u Copper Token?

The peg63.546u Copper Token is the token used by the firstRateiT ecosystem.

How to add peg63.546u Copper Token to my MetaMask?

1. Open the MetaMask in your browser.

2. Click on import tokens at the bottom of the screen.

3.1 Click on Custom Token (1)

3.2 In the Token Contract Address insert the peg63.546u Copper Token (2) address 0x36ed6a2556e1bad716e29747f9a1d4a790fa48aa. (The other fields will automatically filled, as shown on the picture).

3.3 Click on Add Custom Token (3).

4. Click on Import Tokens

That’s all. Enjoy by using the peg63.546u Copper Token.